Eisenbach Castle

The castle, property of family Eisenbach, was mentioned for the first time in a document in the year 1217. It lies about 3 km south of Lauterbach towards Herbstein, close by the B275 roadway. Destroyed in 1269 by Prince Abbot Leipolz of Fulda, it was rebuilt once again within 10 years by the lower nobility of Eisenbach. After the Eisenbach family died out, the Riedesel barons from Eisenbach 1429 became heirs of the property. They now have cared for and maintained this possession for more than 500 years up to the present day.

Opening times

Only outside viewing is possible, group tours upon request. The Kernburg (inner castle) itself cannot be toured!

Food and Beverages

Cafe/restaurant/beer garden Burg-Post Castle Eisenbach

Telephone: 0 66 41/64 41 50


Tourist-Center Stadtmühle

Marktplatz 1
36341 Lauterbach
Phone: +49 66 41 - 18 41 12
Fax: +49 66 41 - 18 42 12

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