Biographical data, commemoration days, jubilees

Here is selected information from the biographies of the Brothers Grimm that might be especially interesting for visitors of the German Fairy Tale Route; a comprehensive compilation is offered by the Brothers Grimm Society.

  • January 4, 1785: Birth of Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm in Hanau as son of the Court Chancery Lawyer and Town Clerk Philipp Wilhelm Grimm and his wife Dorothea, née Zimmer
  • February 24, 1786: Birth of Wilhelm Carl Grimm in Hanau
  • March 14, 1790: Birth of the "painter brother" Ludwig Emil Grimm in Hanau
  • 1791: Relocation of the family Grimm from Hanau to Steinau
  • 1796: Death of the father
  • 1798: Beginning of the school years of Jacob und Wilhelm in Kassel
  • 1802/03: Both brothers begin the study of law in Marburg
  • 1805: Relocation of the mother and remaining siblings from Steinau to Kassel
  • 1812: First joint publications
  • 1825: Wilhelm marries the apothecary daughter Dorothea Wild
  • 1830 in Göttingen: Jacob becomes librarian and professor, Wilhelm becomes librarian
  • 1837: Protest of the "Göttingen Seven" against the violation of the constitution by the new King Ernst August in Hannover - dismissal from public service
  • 1838: Return to Kassel
  • 1840: Appointment of both brothers to the Prussian Academy of Sciences – relocation to Berlin
  • 1848: Jacob is delegate to the first German National Assembly in St. Paul's Church in Frankfurt
  • December 16, 1859: Death of William in Berlin
  • September 20, 1863: Death of Jacob in Berlin

  • 2012-2015: 200 years Tales of Children and the Home
  • 2016-18: 200 Years of German Legends
  • 2019: 200 Years of German Grammar